Implementation of STEM based PBL with design thinking strategies to improve students creative problem solving capability on renewable energy topics
PBL, STEM, Design Thinking, Creative Problem SolvingAbstract
This research aims to describe the effectiveness of STEM-based PBL with design thinking strategies in improving students' creative problem-solving abilities on renewable energy. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Sungkai Jaya using a non-equivalent control group design research design. The research instrument used was a description test sheet. Learning by applying the STEM-based PBL model with design thinking strategies can improve creative problem-solving abilities; this can be seen from the average N-gain for the experimental class of 0.49 in the medium category. This is also supported by the data obtained from the Independent Sample t-test, which obtained a Sig value. (2-tailed) is 0.000, and the effect size value is 0.862 in the large category, which can be concluded that the implementation of STEM-based PBL with design thinking strategies can improve students' creative problem-solving abilities on renewable energy topics.
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