The Effect of Teams Games Tournament Method Assisted by Card Sort Media to Improve Student Creative Thinking Skill


  • Rosa Karisma Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram
  • Muhammad Nizaar
  • Haifaturrahmah Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram


The aim of this research is to determine the influence of the Teams Game Tournament (TGT) method, assisted by card sort media, on enhancing creative thinking skills among fourth-grade students at SDN 15 Mataram. The research design employed in this study is a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and post-test design. The research was conducted at SDN 15 Mataram, with a population of 40 students, consisting of 20 students in class IVa and 20 students in class IVb. The researchers used random sampling to select the sample, drawing lots conducted by the class teacher using a lottery system, resulting in class IVa as the experimental group and class IVb as the control group. Data collection methods in this study involved both test and non-test techniques. Based on the results of the data analysis, it can be concluded that the t-test result (t-value) is 8.692, while the t-table value is 2.042. Since the t-value is greater than the t-table value (t-value > t-table), the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. This indicates that the cooperative learning model of the make a match type can improve creative thinking skills among fourth-grade students.




How to Cite

Karisma, R., Nizaar, M., & Haifaturrahmah. (2024). The Effect of Teams Games Tournament Method Assisted by Card Sort Media to Improve Student Creative Thinking Skill. Contemporary Education and Community Engagement (CECE), 1(1), 19–29. Retrieved from


