Scopus Citedness

The Journal Channel: Jurnal Komunikasi has been cited by Scopus 5 times from secondary 6

2022 : 

2021  : 1 times

2020 : 0 times

2019 : 0 times
2018 : 2 times

2017:  0 times
2016: 0 times

2015:  2 times

Scopus References Search Keywords: Channel Jurnal Komunikasi



Avoiding Zoom fatigue: The uses and gratifications on social media, Hidayati, F. R., Irwansyah (2021) Channel Jurnal Komunikasi 9(1), pp. 95-104

Cited by (1)
-. Theorization the Use of Podcasts as an Alternative Medium of Da'wah and its Impact on the Audience: The Case of Indonesia


Analysis of communication networks at the actor level in the network of the Mojokerto City footwear entrepreneurs committee (Kompak), Putri, F. D., Sujoko, A., Antoni. (2018) Channel Jurnal Komunikasi 6(2), pp. 183-190

Cited by (1): 
Socio-ecological network analysis of bima bay, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia,


Konstruksi Ujaran Kebencian Melalui Status Media Sosial, Wibowo, T.O. (2018) Channel Jurnal Komunikasi 6(2), pp. 169-176

Cited by (2):

1. Legal protection of consumer reviews in social media based on local wisdom values

2. Typology of verbal violence in political discourse: Codification of sociolinguistics


Komunikasi Dalam Musyawarah (Tinjauan Konsep Asyura Dalam Islam), Rifa'i, Tsalis (2015), CHANNEL Jurnal Komunikasi 3(1), pp. 36-45

Cited by (1):
- The criticism of land procurement law to improve landowners welfare in indonesia

Evaluasi Strategi Komunikasi Konselor BP4 dalam Mencegah Perceraian, Fatonah, Y. S. U., dan, S. (2015), CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi 3(2)
Cited by (1):