Comic as Health Literacy by the Indonesian Ministry of Health


  • Sabri Sabri Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Vani Dias Adiprabowo Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Iman Sumarlan Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Rafidei Mohamad Universitas Kuala Lumpur Malaysia


Comic, Visual, Health Literacy, Health Communication, Communication Strategy.


Comics as a medium of health communication by the Indonesian Ministry of Health has gained attention and is considered necessary for conveying health information to the public. Comics have the advantage of communicating health messages visually and attractively to be more easily understood and attract readers' attention. The purpose of this article is to explain the use of comics as a medium of communication for health messages by the Indonesian Ministry of Health on the site “Sehat Negeriku” managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health; there is an article with the title “Komik Sehat”. The article mentioned that the Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, asked the Risk Communication and Community Engagement Working Group (Pokja RCCE) to support disease communication through comic media. This shows that the Indonesian government recognizes the important value of comics in conveying health information to the public. The research method used is problem-based through literature literacy analysis. This study used screen shoot techniques to collect data, then continued with content analysis by expert experts, namely visual and health communication experts. The results of Comics research can help convey messages in an interesting, easy-to-understand way and reach various walks of life. Thus, comics as a medium for delivering public health messages have proven effective in disseminating information, increasing knowledge, and influencing public behavior in maintaining health

Author Biographies

Vani Dias Adiprabowo, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Dosen di FSBK program studi Ilmu komunikasi

Iman Sumarlan, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Dosen di FSBK program studi Ilmu komunikasi

Rafidei Mohamad, Universitas Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Dosen di Unikl


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How to Cite

Sabri, S., Adiprabowo, V. D., Sumarlan, I., & Mohamad, R. (2024). Comic as Health Literacy by the Indonesian Ministry of Health . CHANNEL: Jurnal Komunikasi, 12(1). Retrieved from