The use of diagnostic assessment in high school physics learning: a systematic literature review from 2020-2024
Diagnostic Assessment, Physics Learning, High School, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
Diagnostic assessment is essential for identifying students’ weaknesses and misconceptions in physics learning. It allows teachers to provide more targeted instruction and helps students understand better. This study aims to identify research related to diagnostic assessment in high school physics learning. The research method used is SLR (Systematic Literature Review), which uses data sources from Google Scholar accessed through the Publish or Perish application. Ten articles published between 2020 and 2024 were systematically reviewed according to predetermined criteria. This study identifies various diagnostic assessments in high school physics learning, types of instruments, and the effectiveness of the instruments used in previous studies. This study also discusses the benefits and challenges of using diagnostic assessment in high school physics learning. The results show that multi-tier diagnostic tests are most commonly used for identifying misconceptions, with four-tier and five-tier tests being particularly effective tools for improving high school physics learning. Diagnostic assessment can help teachers identify students’ weaknesses and misconceptions, provide more targeted instruction, and help students achieve a deeper understanding.
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