Development of a physics experiment module based on smartphone sensors on mechanics for high school students
Sensor Smartphone, Experiment Module, MechanicsAbstract
Managing physics laboratory equipment often necessitates substantial funding, resulting in infrequent physics practicums, particularly in schools located in remote and economically challenging areas (3T areas). This research endeavors to address this challenge by developing a valid and practical physics experiment module based on smartphone sensors, thereby facilitating easier access to experiments for students. Employing a research and development (R&D) approach, the development process adheres to the Borg & Gall procedural model. Material experts validated the module, yielding an average score of 90.75% in the appropriate category, while media experts rated it 88.75% in the highly suitable category. A practicality test involving 25 students produced an average score of 89.25% in response to the questionnaire. The research results show that this smartphone-based physics experiment module is valid and practical so it can be recommended for high school laboratory practicums, providing a cost-effective and easily accessible solution for improving physics education.
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