The effect of project-based distance learning on mastery of work and energy concepts
concept mastery, distance learning, Project-Based Learning, creativityAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of the project-based distance learning model on students' mastery of concepts on work and energy material. This research method is a mixed method with the Embedded Experimental Model design. Quantitative data came from working on the pre-test and post-test of mastery of the concept of 34 students, with the results of qualitative data through interviews and qualitative analysis. The results showed that the project-based distance learning model had a significant effect (d-effect size = 2.33) (α=0.000) on students' mastery of concepts, and the magnitude of the increase in concept mastery used N-gain 0.766. Qualitative analysis used crosstabulation and the results of student interviews, which stated that students experienced an increase in mastery of concepts after being given treatment. The findings of the researchers proved that there was student creativity which was shown in high categories in each indicator of project outcome assessment based on aspects of fluency (85.2%), flexibility (75%), originality (80.1%), and elaboration (75.7%).
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