Analysis of the multirepresentation ability of physics education students in problem-solving related to physics
Multirepresentation, Mathematical representation, Ability analiysis, Visual representation, Problem solvingAbstract
Students frequently struggle to comprehend and solve challenges during learning, especially when dealing with physics-related problems. This study examines how well physics education students can perform multiple representations when solving physics-related problems. This survey was conducted on 48 samples selected using purposive sampling techniques and data collection methods using questionnaires. The data collection instrument in this study used a Likert scale questionnaire packaged in Google Forms. The data that had been collected through the questionnaire was then analyzed descriptively. The findings of this study indicate that the multirepresentation skills possessed by physics students can improve their understanding and help them solve physics problems that they face both textually and contextually. Multirepresentation abilities are also in line with encouraging strengthening the curriculum and teaching methods of students in physics education study programs to be more meaningful and comprehensive. Students who have studied physics materials will be able to illustrate the material in figures, tables, or mathematical equations. For students and lecturers to engage in meaningful and comprehensive learning in the future, the findings of this study will serve as the foundation for improving the quality of instruction in the physics education study program.
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