Systematic literature review: analysis of problem-solving skill trends in physics education (2014-2024)




Systematic Literature Review, Problem Solving Ability, Problem Based Learning, physics education


This study aims to gather information about efforts to improve students' problem-solving skills in physics education. This research uses a systematic literature review (SLR) review model based on the PRISMA model. This method was chosen to identify research articles using the keywords ‘Problem-Solving Skill in Physics Education’ with sources taken from Scopus from 2014-2024. Based on a review of 20 published articles, the application of the problem-based learning (PBL) learning model as much as 60% is the most frequently used learning model in improving cases related to problem-solving. The most frequently used research method in improving problem-solving skills in physics education is a quantitative method with a quasi-experiment design. The majority of articles were published in 2023. This research contributes to the field of education, especially the field of physics teaching evaluation, which aims to improve problem-solving skills. The findings of this study confirm that the PBL model can be used to overcome problems related to problem-solving skills in students. The weakness of this study is the limited data sources used, namely from Scopus, so for future research, it is recommended to be able to expand the data sources used, such as WoS, IEEE, etc.


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