Remote laboratory development for online learning of modern physics experiments: initial development
remote laboratory, remote experiment, modern physics experimentsAbstract
This study aims to design, develop, and test the quality of the remote laboratory system for online physics experimental learning on modern physics. The research used the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The analysis was carried out by studying the literature on curriculum texts and recommendations from the Physics Education Association regarding laboratory learning. The product was designed by adopting the basic architecture of remote laboratory systems developed in science. Product development was undertaken to produce laboratory equipment, a graphical user interface with LabVIEW, and an e-learning system with Moodle. A remote laboratory system of data acquisition and e-learning tools on modern physics topics has been successfully developed with good-quality results. It is suitable for use in supporting online learning of modern physics experiments. The implications of this research show that the developed remote laboratory system can be an effective solution to support online learning of modern physics experiments, offering a high-quality alternative for physics teaching in the digital age.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ishafit, Sriyanto, Toni Kus Indratno, Moh. Irma Sukarelawan, Yoga Dwi Prabowo

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