The psychometric properties of interpersonal support evaluation list-short form (ISEL-16) on College Students


  • Septian Wahyu Rahmanto Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta



Adaptation scale, Interpersonal support, Isel-16, Perceived social support


The Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL) is an instrument for assessing perceived social support. It exists in both full and short forms, with the short version (ISEL-16) offering practical advantages in terms of efficiency for assessments and research. To date, there is no adapted version of the ISEL-16 available in Indonesian. This study aimed to adapt and validate the ISEL-16 for use in Indonesia through psychometric analysis. The adaptation process followed ITC guidelines, including obtaining permission, conducting back-to-back translations, evaluating language comparability and interpretability, and testing the instrument on a sample population. 292 active students were recruited using quota sampling. Validity and reliability were assessed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in AMOS 23. Results indicated that the ISEL-16 exhibits a good model fit with four factors: appraisal, tangible assets, belonging, and self-esteem. The findings confirm that the Indonesian version of the ISEL-16 is a valid and reliable measure of perceived students’ social support. Theoretically, the adaptation reinforces the four-dimensional structure of social support previously established. Practically, it can be used to predict stress-related outcomes, such as crisis-related and academic stress, and is recommended for time- and resource-constrained research scenarios as well as for classical tests or exploratory studies.


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How to Cite

Wahyu Rahmanto, S. (2024). The psychometric properties of interpersonal support evaluation list-short form (ISEL-16) on College Students. Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal, 21(2), 100–117.


