Author Guidelines

HUMANITAS: Indonesian Psychological Journal accepts articles written by the author(s) from worldwide.

Please read the guidelines carefully. The only manuscript that follows the guidelines will be processed for review.

  1. Humanitas only accept original article (research-based article)
  2. The submission represents that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.  
  3. Manuscripts should be written in English.
  4. Manuscripts should be submitted as a Microsoft Word, single-spaced in 12 points, Times New Roman font, with at least 3cm margins on all sides and the right-hand margin justified.
  5. The length of a manuscript between 2500 to 4500 words (not including Tables, Figures, and References), approximately 7 to 16 pages.
  6. Manuscripts must be free of plagiarism. Only manuscripts that have less than 25% in common will be processed.
  7. Use of tools such as Mendeley or EndNote for reference management and formatting  and choose APA 7.
  8. The paper must conform to the standard HUMANITAS paper.
  9. You need to log in to submit your article, which requires you to be registered.
  10. Supplementary files such as graphs, pictures, images, and scales can include HUMANITAS server if needed.
  11. An abstract is required for paper submission.
  12. You can upload a revised version if requested by Editor

Submit your manuscripts through our online system. If you get any problems with your paper's submission process, please contact us at email:

Download new HUMANITAS Journal Template here

Humanitas Template

Manuscript style

A manuscript consists of:

A. Title page, including:

  1. Title: Title should be 14 words maximum, with capital font only in the first font of the first word.
  2. Author(s)’ name: Fullname without any degree of the first author, followed by the second author, third author and so on. Please make sure that all authors agreed with the order of authorship prior submission.
  3. Institution: The name of author(s)’ institution, followed by country.
  4. Email address: Email address of corresponding author
  5. Abstract: One paragraph with maximum 200 words, including problem, purpose of the study, method, results, and implication of the results.
  6. Keywords: three to five keywords relevant to the manuscript.

B. Main manuscript, including:

  1. Introduction: Please describe the importance of the study, what have been known about the theme of the study, what is the gap of knowledge, what does the study add the current knowledge and state the objective of the study.
  2. Method: Please describe the research setting, study design, procedure, ethics, and data analysis.
  3. Results: Please describe the results systematically. Use appropriate Tables and Figures to present the results. Maximum seven Tables and five Figures. Please follow APA format.
  4. Discussion: Please describe the major finding of the study, then compare it with other previous studies, followed by the impliction of the results theoritically and practically. Discuss the study limitations and further recommendation.
  5. Conclusion: Please describe the essence of the discussion, do not repeat the results section in the conclusion section.
  6. References: Please follow APA format and use reference tools such as Mendeley or EndNote. References are mainly journal articles that should be published in the last 10 years.
  7. Appendix: Tables or figures that are not too significant may be put in the appendix

Revised version

During review process, you may be asked to revise your manuscript and resubmit it. Please use the same submission for one manuscipt. Do not create more than one submission for one manuscript.