Author Guidelines
The Title is written in Batang (18) Bold (Title in Bahasa Indonesia is not more than 12 words, Title in English is not more than 10 words)
Author 1, Author 2, Author 3
Author Corespondence Name [Author 1] Institution Institution Adress Country Email: (Arial 8) [Author 2, 3, dst. [Arial 8]
Page X-X |
ABSTRACT Abstract comprises the key problem, the purpose of the study, methodology or approach, and the result of the discussion of the study. It provides the empirical findings, methods and implications. A quantitative study should be supported by number and the implication of the result of the study. The abstract is written in English or Bahasa Indonesia, 250 words maximum. Keywords: 3-5 words or phrases. Keywords are separated by a comma [Goudy Old Style 11, single spaced] |
INTRODUCTION [ Arial 10, bold]
This section covers the background of the issues or problems and the urgency and the rationale of the study. The purpose of the study and the plan to solve the problems are stated in this section. Relevant literature reviews and hypotheses development (if any) are stated in this section. This part is closed by state of the art ( the specification of the purpose of the study and the difference with the other studies) [Arial, 10, normal]. Maximum 15% of the entire article.
This part covers the study approach, the object of the study, scope, the data collection instruments, place, the data collection technique, and the analysis technique. [Arial, 10, normal]. Maximum 10% of the entire article.
This section presents the result of the study, discussion, and the finding. The result of the study provides the data of the study. The discussion section analyzes, compares, contrasts the data with the relevant result of the other studies. The finding section serves novelty in the form of generalization, concept, theory, formulation, principle, and postulate. The discussion result and findings of the study need to be strengthened by an illustration in the form of table or figure (graphic, diagram, chart, photo, example). [Arial, 10, normal]. The portion of the result and discussion section is at least 70% of the entire article.
This section covers a brief overview of the result of the study and discussion, including the implication of the study and suggestion.
[Arial, 10, normal]. Maximum 5% of the entire article.
Appreciation towards people or parties who contribute and/or assist the article writing process.
We recommend using reference management software for the paper cited in this article. The article whose author is more than 6 is written by using et al. If less than 6, all authors are listed. Primary source should not be less than 60% (scientific journal, scientific magazine or proceeding), while 40% of the sources may come from books or other relevant sources. Use of a tool such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote for reference management and formatting, and choose APA style
The sample of Reference writing.
Reference from Books:
Corey, Gerald. (2012). Teory and Practice of Group Counseling. USA: Broks Cole Thompson.
References from Journal:
Dawes, M. E., Horan, J. J., & Hackett, G. (2000). Experimental Evaluation of Self-Eficacy Treatment on Technical/ Scientific Career Outcomes. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 28(2), 87-99.
Download the Psikopedagogia journal for writing format and style in here.