Ahmad Dahlan Journal of English Studies 2024-04-01T04:52:22+00:00 Ikmi Nur Oktavianti Open Journal Systems <hr /> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="50%"><strong>ADJES (Ahmad Dahlan Journal of English Studies)</strong></td> <td rowspan="10" valign="top" width="20%"><img src="" width="161" height="245" /><img src=";;psig=AOvVaw1HnWfrBMwUv1Q7dv5cn8OJ&amp;ust=1652330185760000&amp;source=images&amp;cd=vfe&amp;ved=2ahUKEwim-7rfz9b3AhW1XmwGHcfICIQQjRx6BAgAEAs" alt="" /><img src=";;tbnid=8TNYsQru8KlSxM&amp;vet=12ahUKEwi60r2pz9b3AhV2IrcAHXohBSoQMygEegQIARAl..i&amp;docid=P8L5tIuHYjQuxM&amp;w=1241&amp;h=1754&amp;q=irip%20uad&amp;ved=2ahUKEwi60r2pz9b3AhV2IrcAHXohBSoQMygEegQIARAl" alt="" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="50%"><strong>ADJES</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Abbreviation</td> <td width="50%"><strong><em>ADJES (Ahmad Dahlan J. English Stud.)</em></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="50%"><strong>2 Issues per Year (March and September)</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="50%"><strong>Prefix <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">10.26555</a></strong><strong> </strong><img src=";base64,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" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><strong><img src="" alt="" /></strong><strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">ISSN</td> <td width="50%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2356-5012</a> (print) | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2477-2879</a> (online)</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="50%"><strong><a href="">Ikmi Nur Oktavianti</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Managing Editor</td> <td width="50%"><strong><a href="">Bambang Widi Pratolo</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="50%"><a href=""><strong>Universitas Ahmad Dahlan</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Citation Analysis</td> <td width="50%"><strong><a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a> </strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div align="justify"><hr /> <p>ADJES (Ahmad Dahlan Journal of English Studies) is a journal of English language teaching, linguistics, and literature. The Journal provides in-depth research and analysis in various areas, including English language teaching (methods, strategies, teaching media, assessment, etc.), English Linguistics (phonology, syntax, morphosyntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, etc.), and English literature (including comparative studies and the implementation of literature in English language teaching). It publishes the issues twice a year, March and September.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Ahmad Dahlan Journal of English Studies has been indexed and abstracted in the following databases:</strong></p> <p><strong>SINTA</strong></p> <p><strong><a href=";type=all&amp;oaboost=1&amp;ling=1&amp;name=&amp;thes=&amp;refid=dcresen&amp;newsearch=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </strong><strong><a href=";type=AllFields" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </strong><strong><a href=";mod=viewjournal&amp;journal=7240" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a> </strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a> <a href=";search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search&amp;search_mode=content" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a></strong></p> <p><strong>Google Scholar<br /></strong><strong>BASE<br /></strong><strong>One Search<br /></strong><strong>IPI<br /></strong><strong>Crossref<br /></strong><strong>Garuda<br /></strong><strong>Dimension</strong></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Ahmad Dahlan Journal of English Studies has been listed in:</strong></p> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a>ROAD</strong></p> <p><strong><a title="ADJES Sinta 4 " href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a></strong></p> <p><strong>Online Submissions </strong></p> <p>Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions. <strong><br /></strong></p> <ul> <li>Already have a Username/Password for Ahmad Dahlan Journal of English Studies (ADJES)? <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>GO TO LOGIN</strong></a></li> <li>Need a Username/Password?<strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GO TO REGISTRATION</a></strong></li> </ul> </div> An Ethnography Study: The Anomaly of Post- Pandemics Technology utilization in English Learning to Gen Z students 2023-09-21T05:08:37+00:00 Muhammad Sandy Al Fath Nikmah Sistia Eka Putri <p>The presence of covid-19 has a long-lasting impact even after the pandemic is over. One of them is in the English learning process at MAN Kotawaringin Timur. The main problem raised in this study is related to changes in the learning culture of both teachers and students who display two sides, namely the positive and negative sides. The main purpose of this research is to find out the implementation, constraints, and anomalies felt by teachers related to post-pandemic learning. The research approach used is qualitative with ethnographic research type. Data collection techniques used interviews, surveys, observations, and documentation. The research subjects consisted of four English teachers. The results showed that the implementation of learning has two types of opposite ways while running the class with technology. However, both sides of perspectives had strong considerations that cannot be denied. Moreover, the anomalies are divided into three sections, the learning environment, teachers’ tendencies, and students’ misunderstanding.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Sandy Al Fath Voices on Instagram Usage in English Language Teaching: A Systematic Review 2023-09-21T04:16:08+00:00 Nariza Ayu Pasha Bambang Widi Pratolo Iin Inawati <table width="586"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="404"> <p>In this digital era, Instagram is growing rapidly not only as social media but also as an educational platform, especially in English language teaching and learning. Research investigating further Instagram usage in English language teaching and learning through the systematic review is still scarcely reported. The purpose of this study is to investigate and synthesize the contribution of previous research (2017-2022) related to Instagram usage and its advantages in the ELT context. Several studies were found on the Sinta, ERIC, and Google Scholar databases. 25 articles were selected based on specified criteria stages that refer to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and three stages of Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The findings of this research showed the four main themes examined in Instagram in ELT context, namely students' perceptions of using Instagram in learning English (40%), the topic of improving students' English skills using Instagram (32%), exploring English learning activities through Instagram (20%), and Instagram use in English teaching and learning as perceived by teachers (8%); and the five main advantages of using Instagram for learning English: improving language skills (40%), providing fun learning to students (23%), fostering creativity, motivation, and self-confidence (19%), increasing student understanding in ESP classes (9%), and provide opportunities for collaboration (9%).&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Bambang Pratolo, Nariza Ayu Pasha, Iin Inawati The Correlation between Students’ Reading Anxiety and Their Reading Ability 2023-03-06T07:43:31+00:00 Sirajul Munir Nina Suzanne Hidayatul Fitri <p> </p> <p>The objective of this research is to determine whether there is a correlation between students’ reading anxiety and their reading ability. This research is a correlational study. The population of this research were the 66 students of the English Teaching Department at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar. The sample was chosen by simple random sampling technique using Slovin’s formula. As a result, 55 students were used as a sample. The data were gathered by using questionnaires and reading test. The result of this research indicates that there was a correlation between students’ reading anxiety and their reading ability. It is indicated by the data analysis using the “r” product moment formula. The result shows that the calculated correlation coefficient (rxy) was -0.343 which has a negative sign, which means “rxy” has a negative direction. Next, “rxy” (-0.343) with degree of freedom (df)= N-2 (56-2) = 54. It can be stated that the r-table was 0.254 at the level significant 5%. It can be concluded that Ha was accepted because r-calculated (-0.343) was higher than the value of the r-table (0.254).</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sirajul Munir, Nina Suzanne, Hidayatul Fitri Developing Instruments to Measure Project-Based Learning in the Course of Teaching English to Young Learners Program Development 2023-08-16T09:45:43+00:00 Nur Fatimah Soviyah Soviyah <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>Courses in TEYL (Teaching English to Young Learners) at the tertiary education level have been conducted in different universities including at the English Department of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. One of the courses is TEYL Program Development (TEYL PD). It is to develop materials and/or program in TEYL. Since there’s not yet specific and detailed information regarding its assessment in the class of TEYL PD implementing project-based learning, this research aims to design instruments to measure the learning achievement in TEYL PD course. This research utilizes Research and Development (R&amp;D) with ADDIE model. The development process encompasses five steps i.e. analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. There are two rubrics resulted for the course to assess the students in doing the project on TEYL PD. The first is the rubric to assess group’s performance and the second is the one to measure individual performance related to the group project. The instrument for the group performance contains 7 aspects (stages of the project, data collection, target accomplishment, reporting, knowledge, attitudes, and skills). Individual performance was based on peer ranking on the aspects on the students’ contribution, collaboration, discipline and communication. At this preliminary study, implementing the instruments was conducted by the test of readability and content validity by an expert in English language teaching. Further, the evaluation was realized based on their feedback. Further research is in demand to investigate the use of the instruments in the classroom setting on TEYL PD course.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Fatimah, Soviyah Effects of Electronic Communication on the Mechanical Accuracy of Secondary School Students 2024-01-31T12:58:51+00:00 Lynda Ambrose <p>This study examined the effects of electronic communication on the mechanical accuracy of the written essays of private senior secondary school students in Oredo Local Government Area, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. The study employed a quantitative research approach with the use of questionnaires and direct observations as instrument used for data collection. The focus is on mechanical accuracy which involves grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS) in the students’ essay writing. Private secondary schools in Oredo LGA in Edo State are 36, out of these, 10 schools were selected using the convenience sampling technique;15 students from each school were also purposively selected, making a total of 150 students. In all, 101 questionnaires were well filled out and retrieved successfully. However, the researcher rounded it up to 100. Simple percentage method was used to analyse the data. Results showed that 89% of the students make use of mobile phones for communication more than any other means of electronic media, while 64% used their phones for social networking. The results further showed an equilibrium in the percentage of students of whom the social network/communication affect their grammar and spelling which rates 41% each. Only 18% responded that it affected their punctuation. However, a close observation showed that inconsistent spelling, inappropriate use of punctuation marks, concord and wrong use of capitalisation are major pitfalls in the written essays of the senior secondary school students.</p> 2024-04-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lynda Ambrose