About the Journal

Journal Title EMPATHY
ISSN Print 2303-114X
ISSN Online 2714-786X 
DOI Prefix Prefix 10.26555
Editor in Chief Yuzarion
Managing Editor Nurfitria Swastiningsih
Publisher Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Frequency 2 issues per year, June - December
Citation Analysis Google Scholar| Garuda

EMPATHY National Journal. The Faculty of Psychology journal is currently undergoing a transformation into an international journal. Empathy publishes academic works by scientists, experts, and professionals in the fields of psychology and related sciences. These researchers specialize in the fields of psychology, education, and Islamic psychology, with a greater focus on quantitative research approaches. The journal is published twice a year, in July and December. It publishes academic works in the field of psychology, covering all branches, including abnormal psychology, psychology of children and adolescents with special needs, early childhood psychology, learning psychology, da'wah psychology, basic psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, Islamic psychology, disaster psychology, personality psychology, health psychology, clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, communication psychology, community psychology, counseling psychology, environmental psychology, educational psychology, child development psychology, developmental psychology, positive psychology, projective psychology, social psychology, psychometrics, psychometry, mental health, psychogerontology, the history and schools of psychology, and psychological theories. EMPATHY has been indexed in SINTA, Google Scholar, BASE, Portal Garuda, and PILNAS RISTEK.